
General course information

The WJEC AS/A level specification in Textile Design is designed to enable learners to gain a sequential and incremental learning experience from a broad introductory range of Textile based  processes, technologies and resources using relevant materials.

Possible areas of study include; fashion, costume, digitally or traditionally printed and/or dyed fabrics, garments and materials, interior design, constructed textiles (knitted, woven, embellished or combined with other materials), textile installation, accessories.

Every year pupils have the opportunity to visit exhibitions and galleries to gather primary research.

In the past the textiles department has organized trips to Venice, Paris, Barcelona, Florence and London


Course Content






Unit 1


Personal Creative Enquiry (40% of full A level)

Internally assessed and externally moderated

A2 / A Level

Unit 2


Personal Investigation (36% of full A level)

Internally assessed and externally moderated

A2 / A Level

Unit 3


Externally Set Assignment (24% of full A level)

Internally assessed and externally moderated


 Career Prospects

· Weaver

· Quality assurance inspector for textiles.

· Freelance textile artist.

· Home furnishings textile design.

· Product developer for interior design.

· Fashion textile designer.

· Garment Technologist.

· Fashion Designers.

· Retail Buyer.

· Fashion Illustrator.

Ideal Entry requirements

There are no prior learning requirements.

Preferably studied Textiles at GCSE. Although pupils can take the subject if they have an aptitude for the subject.


Examinations Body

Subject Leader


Mrs T Bowen